
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas & Big News

As you can see, we finally got a family picture taken. We feel a little bad that this did not happen sooner, but we now think it was worth the wait (now that Mr. B can smile). Soon to come are family pictures of C's family, well as soon as we find one that all of us are actually looking and smiling.

I am not sure whether to start with news or with how Christmas with the C's family went so I guess I will begin with Christmas. We headed out on the 19th (I think), our roadtrip was delightfully uneventful. Mr. B did very well (he only experience a minor carseat induced mental braekdown at hour 7 of the 8 hour tip to Denver.

He got plenty of attention once we arrived. I have never felt so blessed to have an attention hungry child he my life. I am pretty sure that Mr. B never spent more that 5 min. alone (as in not in arms or being played with directly). We went to the ward Christmas party and Mr. B got to be Santa Claus (and he made such an adorable one too). The whole week was positively wonderful, we feel so blessed that we had such a wonderful time with so much wonderful family and friends.

Last but not least G recently interviewed for and received a full-time position with Brigham Young University's OIT department. He will finish his last couple classed one at a time (with BYU paying for them). We feel so incredibly blessed for the opportunities that this will bring our family, yet we are a little sad that we will have to leave our friends at Wymount. We are not yet sure where we will move so more on that later. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas on the 11th :)

G and I rotate going to my family or his family's house for Christmas and Thanksgiving (conveniently his brother and our sister in law follow the same rotation). As such we had a lovely Thanksgiving in Bountiful with the Freestone clan. Mr. B enjoyed all the pie (not really, but he thought the whip cream on his lip was rather fascinating).

We have kept up with our tradition of going to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights, sadly the weather was a bone chilling 15 degrees, so we bundled Mr. B up like the kid on Christmas story and headed out anyways. We made our way in and out of all the buildings to keep adequately warm.

Last but not least, G's family celebrated "Christmas on the 11th" (as mentioned in the title). We ate a Christmas breakfast and opened presents in our pajamas, and spent the afternoon playing with new toys. It was lovely, and we feel so blessed that we have a whole other Christmas to look forward to. We love all of our family and think its so amazing that we get to see everybody this holiday season.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sewing Project :)

I have finally ventured into domesticity, and I must admit it was much more enjoyable than I had originally anticipated. After I was able to semi-successfully make our halloween costumes (see previous post for details) I was inspired to make something else. I decided to make Mr. B a warmer carseat canopy. I copied the one that my friend made for me only I used fleece and not just any fleece, but some super fun BYU fleece. Although the end result is by no means professional looking I am quite pleased and am willing to show it off.