
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Diaper Dancing

Okay so this is really not a post about "Dancing Diapers" but I am a sucker for titles with alliteration and Mr. B does occasionally dance around while wearing only his diaper. Anyhow, I am want to learn how everyone buys their diapers.

Did you just decide to buy one set brand regardless of the price? Do you buy whichever kind is on sale? Do you go buy them from a store or do you buy them online (like through Amazon I hear great things about this way)? Or do you cloth diaper (they look pretty snazzy now days)?

We have always just bought ours from Costco, we buy either the Huggies or the Costco brand, whichever is on sale, we then buy two boxes worth, which hopefully lasts us until the next type goes on sale. When neither is on  sale we either suck it up and buy the Huggies (my favorite) or I go to Target and buy theirs (they are a great deal, Walmart's are too). I loved Pampers back when Mr. B was a newborn but they are too expensive for our budget and I did not find them much different from Walmart or Target's store brand kinds.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dinner Desparation

I always thought that I would eventually develop a love of cooking. My mom is a great cook, so is my mother in law, I am not even a particularly bad cook. I don't mind grocery shopping, and I love sitting down to eat a delicious meal.

Yet I still absolutely despise cooking, because it involves 1) deciding what to make 2) making sure that we can afford to buy the ingredients and 3) taking the time to prepare it. I guess despise is a little harsh. I do actually enjoy cooking for groups, for some reason it seems to make the stress of deciding what to make, and the effort to make it seem more worth it (not that G and Mr. B are not worth making a good meal for).

Maybe I just need some more dinner ideas, or better yet maybe I need to hear everyone's strategies on how to decide what is for dinner this week. I currently just look at what is on sale, what I have on the pantry and then think a menu items that combine them. This only usually yields about 3 good dinner ideas, and then we end up eating leftovers, sandwiches, or something random.

What are some meals you eat at least every month? How do you decide what is for dinner?

Tonight: We had Chinese Chicken Salad made with Romaine Lettuce, Sliced Teriyaki chicken (cold and sliced), Sesame Ginger Dressing (from Costco), mandarin oranges, and fried wonton strips (slice and fry uncooked eggroll wrappers). Delicious!

Decorating Musings

I am quickly realizing how absolutely amazing it will be to decorate a house that is actually ours. On the flip side this thought also terrifies me. I am afraid that things I think are cute now may soon look dated. Not only that but the sheer cost of decorating a house with even things as simple as curtains and a bedspread for our room could rack up quite the bill. 

Is it worth it to sew your own bedding and drapes?
 Fabric is so expensive that I am not sure how to approach this.
If you have any awesome decorating suggestions send them my way. 

I am absolutely in love with this bedding, not the price tag unfortunately ($177 yikes).

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Excited About Dirt

90 Days and counting!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bottom Floor Apartments- An apartment history

When G and I were moving into our apartment he commented that this was the first bottom floor apartment that we had ever lived in (while married). He commented on how lucky we were that we had never had to put up with noisy upstairs neighbors. I did not give his comment too much thought until last night (at 11:30pm) when I was unable to fall asleep because my upstairs neighbors were either, dancing, playing the Wii, unpacking their belongings violently, or some activity that involves running around your apartment that late at night. If they had woken up Mr B I swear I would have taken him in my arms upstairs to their apartment, knocked on the door and handed them my screaming son and possible saying something to the effect of "look what you did." Probably not the most Christlike thing to do, but the thought definitely came to mind

Anyhow now that they have calmed down I started to think about our past places of residence and their own individual quarks, charms and nuisances. Starting with out very first apartment

Our first kitchen, pretty exciting, I wish you could see that the sink was only 2 inches deep and that the fridge opened the wrong direction

Unlike some newlywed apartments, ours was HUGE, the problem is that a pitched roof loft  only accessible by a spiral staircase makes for an awkward family room.

This picture was literally taken from our front door. The downstairs was incredibly tiny, it fit the table pushed up against the kitchen wall. Not only that but this apartment's bathroom was off the kitchen. Our bedroom was upstairs behind the family room loft, so to go to the bathroom at night you had to walk through every room in the apartment to get to the bathroom. Nonetheless it was a great first apartment. Absolutely adorable.

Our second apartment was an apartment building managing gig across the street so we walked our belongings over there on foot (well except for the grocery cart). It too had plenty of charm and funky quarks. The first being that this townhouse style apartment was in a BYU student housing building so it was noisier than noisy and it was also where I worked.

Another quark was that the bathroom did not have a sink, instead each bedroom had its own vanity.

Our kitchen delightfully had a dishwasher (a mini one) but sadly it also had a mini sized oven as well.

When Mr. B came around we turned the extra bedroom into a baby nursery. We think we got it looking pretty cute. Sadly he only slept in it about 3 nights before we moved into BYU's Married Student Housing.

Wymount although smaller than our previous apartment and lacking a dishwasher was still a glorious change. Not only was it quiet it also had a huge family room, a bathtub I did not have to "work" there.

I had so much fun living there. Even if I did have to trek a quarter mile to do laundry.

The townhome we rented when G first got his job at BYU was amazing! We loved the kitchen, it was huge and so pretty. I was in love with it, actually I kind of still am.

The best part of all was probably the fact that it had washer dryer hookups. So wonderful. 

Although we are currently living in a temporary apartment, with only one bedroom it will be so worth it when we get to move to our new home.

Tell me about your first apartment or house. The good the bad and the ugly (or random).

Monday, August 22, 2011

Slingin It!

My first ever Linen Ring Sling. This one was made for a family member. After giving it a test, I am now looking forward to making and using one myself. The linen  fabric is very cool (awesome for the summer), and very supportive. I used a new pattern for sewing the shoulder that I consider to be the comfiest I have ever tried (or made). I was able to carry 20 lb Mr. B with no problem. The ribbon was much harder to sew than anticipate.

I am anxious to sew more (so that I can get faster). Now to find people to make them for (ideally people willing to supply me with fabric or pay me for the materials. Who knows maybe some day I can advance to a point where I can actually make money. Wouldn't that be awesome :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Volunteering Pioneer Style

When I was in college I worked at This Is The Place historical village. As a history buff it was an absolute treat to dress up in 1800s garb and talk to people about history all day. Since leaving that job I found that I missed it terribly, so this summer Benton and I volunteered up there. So every Monday we dressed up and headed up there.. Oh and I am pretty proud of the fact that I could oh so cleverly disguise my beloved baby carrier. Tourists made the cutest comments one of which included calling Benton a Koala (that one came from an Australian guest). We had a blast, it is something we hope to do for years to come.

We never managed to get a decent looking picture of the two of us together so here is a picture of me from back when I worked there (for money).  I definitely did not don a hoop skirt and do my hair all fancy unless it was a holiday weekend like the 4th of July. On the day this picture was taken I was asked which Disney Princess I was.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big Day Out

Today we took a trip downtown to the Children's Mueseum and to the fountains. We met up with Grandma Sherri and cousin Hyrum at the train station. When we got their Sherri informed us that she had told Hyrum that they would be seeing Benton later that day, and so he had spent the whole morning asking he "Denton now?" "Denton now?" (he calls Benton, Denton which is pretty good for a two year old). We had such a good time, we look forward to similar outings in the future.

We promise they liked the helicopter, despite the scowls in the picture.
They had lots of fun playing with the different "exhibits"
Grandma was an awesome splasher!
What a water baby!

They played so cute together

By the train ride home both boys were exhausted and fell asleep.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Speaking of Petunia Pickle Bottom

I have raved about ergonomic carriers before (carriers that allow you to carry a baby in a seated position so as to be supposedly for comfortable for them but especially more comfortable for you), and while I do own one that I consider pretty I would not mind having one that looks like this:

Petunia Pickle Bottom+Ergo Carriers= Genius/Pretty

The one I have is a Beco Butterfly,pretty similar in how you carry the baby in it. It has served me well, and I am kind of in love with the print and because it was a "sample design" I am of two people who have it.

If you want one that has the most versatility of any carrier I have ever seen you should check out the new Beco Gemini. They are 4 in 1 carriers that last 7-35 pounds pretty darn amazing. An added bonus of all the mentioned carriers is that they have incredible resale value.

Diaper Bags

Before Mr. B was born I spent my spare time at work perusing the internet for the perfect baby gear. A good chunk of this time was spent trying to find the perfect diaper bag. It seemed like everywhere I went I spotted one of the iconic Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpacks. While I thought they looked cute enough my jaw dropped when I saw the price tag . . . $239 BUCKS . . . I don't think so (not that I judge anyone who has one though, sometimes I am even a tiny bit jealous).

G. had his own thoughts on diaper bags, he wanted one that would not defile his manhood, or require we take out a loan (he was in school and I had a low paying job). So we took advantage of a Babies R Us coupon and bought this one:

When Mr B was a newborn I dutifully toted every place Mr. B and I went. Back then Mr. B was a projectile vomiter, no wimpy spit up from this kids (he could launch several feet away). So I had to pack several cloth diaper style burp clothes,2 outfits for him and a shirt for me on top of the standard diapers, wipes, pacifier, and bottle (he also was a lousy public nurser at the beginning so I brought bottles of pumped milk when we went out). This greatly tested the seems of the bag but it held up. My only true gripe of the bag is that it does not stand up straight and this can really get to be quite a problem.

Once Mr B outgrew the projectile thing we moved on to using a simple one pocket tote bag. One that carried the standard gear plus a few toys. It worked well enough but gradually I felt like even that was too much "diaper bag" for us. Enter the current "diaper bag":

This is a Ross special that fits my purse style, I love a bag that sits upright and has end pockets that can fit a water bottle (or sippy cup) and my cell phone. I also love rings to attach my infamous key carabiners to. Now I only carry wipes, diapers, a change of clothes for Mr. B and some cheerios.

What is your diaper bag mantra, do you like a huge bag, a unisex bag, a purse, or something totally different?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Year in the Life- Mr. B. 's First Year

If I had one of those blogs where music starts playing as soon as the blog loads, I would have you all listening to Seasons of Love from the musical RENT, if you do not have it in your own personal music library you should definitely google it and give it a listen. Basically the song begins by saying:

"Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?"

Within the song it goes to detail creative ways of how to "measure" mentioning sunsets, cups of coffee and other things not relevant in the life of of a little boy (or girl). But the overall message boils down that a life is ultimately "measured in love" and Benton's first year was definitely a year of love.

We loved him from the moment we laid eyes on him.

We loved him even more as he began to grow bigger and stronger.

So many more people fell in love with you Mr. B:

Grandma and Grandpa Bury

Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Dave (not pictured)

Your Aunts, Uncles and Cousin Hyrum could not (and still cannot) get enough of you

Although not a cuddler by nature, you have still managed to let everyone know that you love them back. Your first year of life was a wonderful one. Truly filled with more love than words can describe.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Musings and Excitement

We are becoming increasingly excited about our new home. Perhaps it has something to do with living in a apartment where Benton's room is the size of a closet (okay so it actually is a closet). Then again I am sure we would be excited about our first home even if it wasn't new. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am that I can do simple things like hang pictures with nails instead of a bazillion command strips, and to feel like it is okay to unpack all of my possessions instead of just the essentials.

My mind has been heavily occupied with daydreams about how we will decorate our home. I have previously posted the layout of the home we are building, and wish I could post pictures of the model home but I cannot find any. Instead I found a picture of one of their kitchens that is using many of the same colors, like the counters, and cabinets and wall color we are doing stainless instead of black appliances though.

What is also cool is that in the corner between our sink and stove their is a walk in pantry, and our island will have a double over hang so that we can fit 6 barstools. I am already picturing all the awesome conversations that will take place sitting around it.

Although the next picture is kind of boring and stark it gives you an idea of what our walls and carpet will be colored.

Recently I went to the model home nearest to our new house and fell in love with just about everything she used to decorate it. Thankfully every thing she used came from Target, so hopefully with careful budgeting I can gradually acquire some of the awesome pieces she used, mainly these adorable rugs. Ultimately we feel incredibly blessed to have this amazing opportunity to not only buy a home, but to make it feel like ours from the start.