
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Fun

This week Baby L. has really started smiling and cooing, it is soooo adorable. We adore him. Mr. B is also becoming quite the fan and now asks to "hold baby Hoden" as he calls him. Too bad he still wont smile when I go to take a picture. Note, their awesome matching Carter's jammies, they even have polar bears on the feet. 

 This weekend we had friends over and so I was making a large batch of baked potato soup. Too bad when I went to mix the cream in with my blender (I don't have an immersion blender) the bottom of the blender fell off and soup went everywhere. After staring dumb founded for a minute, I got out the camera, took the picture then took to calling for pizza as there was no longer enough soup or ingredients left to feed the crowd. Time for a new blender :)

 With us leaving out of town for Christmas we decided to get a headstart and set up our tree. We are in love with in and spent the better part of this Sunday morning laying on the couch staring at it in awe. 

And our token Sunday picture of Mr. B, not his best smile but we think he is pretty cute. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Baby L & Family

 In our church each baby is given a special blessing in front of the congregation, so mine and my husband's family traveled in for the occasion. It was a woderful weekend. For my Aunt (top left) it was her first time meeting L. and he loved getting lots of cuddles with her. It was that weekend that he also learned to smile (although we didn't quite catch it on camera for a few more days).

 Big brother absolutely would not cooperate for pictures and just about any family picture we took has him flailing around angrily. But as long as he got to hang out with his cousin it was all good.

We had a baked potato bar at the family luncheon we had afterwards. It was super yummy and their was sooo many delicious treats.

It was so great to have everybody together. 

Baby L. handled being in the spotlight amazingly well. He looked pretty cute in the same outfit his big brother wore. It was a beautiful fall day. Perfect weather for sure.

What can I say I love him lots :)

Frosty The Snowman

 After a beautiful spring like 67 on Thursday, Friday came a thunderstorm followed by blizzard thick snow . . . For about an hour, then snowed ever so slightly into the next day. We were left with a measly inch by noon on Saturday. It left our plans of playing in the snow a little high and dry. So we headed north about twenty minutes to our Brother and Sister in Law's house who had, get this . . . 2 feet! craziness I tell you. But it was awesome and we had so much fun.

We almost didn't make it out into the snow as Mr. B out rightly refused to wear his mittens. We finally decided to let him see for himself how cold the snow really is, and the silly boy didn't seem to care. He finally consented to putting on a thin pair of knit mittons my sister-in-law had and wore them for over and hour. The poor kid's hands were icicles but he didn't mind and all and even partook in a snowball fight. 

But he and his cousin thought it was even cooler that you can eat snow. 

I realized well on our way that Baby L's snowsuit from his big brother is a size or two too big and so I macgyvered a solution. L. wasn't too pleased but it did the job. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloweening :)

I know this is slightly or grossly out of order, but I finally got the pictures of L's first Halloween uploaded. Holy adorableness. I felt terrible that my sons' costumes were left to the last minute and decided but what meager choices Costco had left, but oh man it could not have turned out better. 

L was a giraffe in the softest fleece costume ever and big brother B was pretty much a cowardly Lion, although you could get him to "rawr" if you were lucky. 

It was such a fun weekend/wedneday. We look forward to all the Halloweens to come. 

A Day In The Life

Holy cow I love this little boy :) He is so close to consistently smiling. It melts my heart. 

So this morning with facebook and the general media a buzz with the news of the presidential election, I reflected how around here it is business as usual.

 So just like any other Wednesday today is babysitting day. It is definitely B's favorite days or days of the week. He adores his buddy (and his sister) that come over and play with us. 

They play with the same Little Tykes fort I had as a kid, how awesome. They also get to play in the same cool type of pop up tent I had. 

We also spend the day, playing with toy cars, running around the house :), coloring in our coloring books, dumping a bazillion legos and going down our tow slide. If its not freezing we even venture to the park. 

Baby L. simply chills in his sling :)  

We love our life, its crazy, its messy but their is lots of giggles and smiles.