
Monday, April 29, 2013

Shorts and Flip Flops

As a mom of a little boy who likes to run around like crazy. I am SOOOOOO EXCITED that we have a fence. Because we now have a fence, we decided to buy a grill and some patio chairs and have our first BBQ. I totally should have taken pictures of the our awesome family that was there but I instead was obviously too concerned with my own munchkins (better luck next time).  This was Baby Hoden's first time wearing shorts, and his first time on grass. He was not super sure about it, but he did really well.  Be excited tomorrow I am hoping to post our new family picture. I cannot wait to see them. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Covers and All in Twos #3: Blueberry Capri and Coverall Review

Blueberry Coverall and the Blueberry (formerly Swaddlebees) Capri 

I am pathetically excited about these diapers. I keep making excuses as to why I need to buy more of them, its possible that I may find the cuteness factor reason enough to make another purchase. Basically both are absolutely awesome, and probably are the cutest diapers I own (all of the diapers by Blueberry are equally as cute). It was hard to pick a print let alone which type of diaper cover to buy (or be like me and buy at least one of each).

Coverall: This cover comes in two sizes, the mini and the regular coverall. The Regular, which I purchased is a 10-40 pound cover size. So this means this will swallow your tiny baby whole and probably won't fit well until 15 pounds (in which case buy the Blueberry Mini). It has awesome double gussets for containing EBF runny poop and is cut so wide in the derriere that it is amazing over a snappied prefold or over a fitted diaper. I often run into needing to tuck in the back sides of a prefold but not with this ample cut beauty. The picture below is a prefold snappied, and even with as wide has I had it fit perfectly underneath. I daresay in cloth diaper terms it was actually quite trim. However, I primarily use these overnight over super stuffed fitted diapers and my super soaker son wakes up dry. I highly recommend them for someone who is new to the world of fitteds.

Capri: After having such a good experience with the Coverall I excitedly ordered a Capri cover  to try as well (any excuse to buy some more cute cloth right :). The Capri also comes in two sizes, the 1 and the 2. The first fitting 6-18 pounds and other from 15-35. I ordered the size 2 and I honestly don't consider it too much smaller than the Coverall.  It too is cut just wider than most covers and is great for over a snappied prefolds or over fitteds too (although maybe not the absolute biggest of fitteds like the Coverall). To me the biggest difference is that it is and All in Two system with  awesome flaps for holding prefolds or inserts laid in the cover (I have not purchased the Capri inserts I have only used trifolded prefolds). As you can see from the pictures I am able to have my son wear the Capri on one setting large than on the Coverall but he fits the same snap setting on the rise.

Ultimately, both covers are totally worth the money. They are quality made diapers that I know will last a long time (they sure will fit for a long time). But just remember if your baby is itty bitty or has tiny thighs you need the smaller sizes or possibly a different cover altogether. You see these thighs? Not tiny:)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

No Shirt No Shoes No Problems

Okay so not really at the beach sipping virgin pina coladas, but a cloudy Saturday at home in pajamas is pretty awesome too. I am so blessed to have these three awesome guys in my life. I love you so much. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Then and Now!

Since Hoden had his colostomy take down surgery he has been able to finally wear the 6-12 month clothes his older brother wore. Its been crazy going back through old photos, remembering when they were take. So crazy to think that my toddler was a baby just like Hoden is now. 

 The picture on the left was two weeks ago the picture on the right is from February 2011, crazy hair but I love it.  I love my little cuties. 

These are taken in January 2011 (so six months old) and early March 2013 at 5.5 months

I freaking love this little shirt and the two munchkins who have worn it. 

Oh man what freaking cuties!

My boys :)

This weekend my parents drove into town to come visit and to attend the General Conference broadcast live in SLC UT. Although the visit was much to short we had a wonderful time. Pretty much a photo bomb as I am way too tired from all the fun I had. Although the picture below really throws me back to a picture taken when my parents visited in March 2011 (second picture down).

March 2011- Mr. B

Same outfit April 2013