
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

On "Going #2"

For the life of me I can't stop laughing about this ^^ I feel like it describes my life since Hoden was born. First it was making sure that he "pooped" for the first time. Then it was nervously waiting for him to poop into his colostomy bag. After the reversal it was anxiously waiting for his first real poop. Then it was "how many times did he poop today." Before he was born I had certainly taken such a simple bodily function for granted. Never again.

I have been in touch with so many families who have gone through severe health obstacles involving this specific bodily function. I have laughed with them, cried with them and then laughed again. Their stories gave me strength when I was so frustrated that I didn't know what to do. Sometimes it was in person or via the internet but all the interaction was so helpful. I hope to be able to offer the same support to others.

As of last week Hoden has had a full 8 days of normal bowel movements and we are so delighted/relieved that its hard to express how we feel. Our days of packing 8 diapers for an evening out of the house are hopefully behind us. Behind us are the days of burning through diaper cream and changing diapers ever hour.

Last week we were fortunate enough to participate in a "bowel management" clinic at our local children's hospital. They began with a contrast enema and followed up with information about laxatives and diet. It was an interesting ordeal as pinning down a willful 18 month old for a x-ray let alone a enema. The poor kid fought like I have never seen before and I can't blame him. His diapers from after that event were something I hope to never relive. But they got the images they needed so it was all worth it in the end.

It hasn't been a magical or overnight change as we had hoped for but with some patient tweaking and a diligent following of his prescribed "bowel management" program our Hoden is able to be "normal." Our bowel program involves a nightly does of liquid ex-lax (senna) at a dose of 8ml and we give him 1 tb of pectin 3 times a day.

Its been a challenging road at times but it has taught me how to accept service, to never take simple bodily functions for granted and that things could always be so much worse. If you are ever feeling like a challenge you have is too hard to bare a walk down the hallway at the Children's hospital helps me reevaluate. I feel so blessed to be the mom of such a happy and healthy kiddo. We love him so much. We are pretty sure he loves us too.

Don't worry, we love his awesome big brother too :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Moderately Priced Cloth Diaper Stash Recommendation

I have posted on what I tried over time what I recommend on a small budget, and now its time for a moderately priced stash post. Stuff that I wish I had bought from the start. This stash includes all "one size diapers that fit 12-30 pounds) and will include overnight diapers, and daily use diapers. I believe in variety so bare with me because I would own a few types.

Basic Diapers (6-24 changes):

At home we use prefolds and covers, they are cheap, incredibly absorbent, and wash up amazingly soft. Since they don't quite go on as fast as disposables we tend to use them primarily at home (although if you own a few extra covers they can still work out and about too). For a stash that is partially prefolds I would want 12 prefolds and 4-5 covers.

- Prefolds or flats (absorbent diapers you attach to the baby and use with a cover). My favorite have been the NickisDiapers (formerly Imagine brand) Bamboo prefolds/flats in the medium size (for prefolds and large for flats, they are the softest and most absorbent of any brand I have tried. They are the perfect size to lay in a cover at a medium setting. I also recommend Green Mountain Diaper cloth eeze prefolds.

-Covers- No cover will fit every baby but I have had great luck with several brands. The first are the new Nickis Diaper Covers (simply amazing), they have a flap that holds a insert or prefold in place and are only 9 bucks a piece. They are great for daytime and overnight. We also like Bum Genius Flips and Diaper Safari Covers. For overnight specifically we like our Thirsties, and Blueberry Coveralls (they are bulky for daytime but amazing for naps and overnight).

- 2 Snappis or other fastening device if want a trimmer fit for the prefold

Out and About (6-8 changes):

I like to keep 2-3 diapers in the diaper bag, 2 as extras in the car and 2-3 at the changing table ready to go for babysitters/ quick changes. These are my recommendations for "out and about diapers"

Nicki's Diapers Bamboo All in One (The top middle purple diaper) These are a fantastic diaper for $15 bucks. They are super absorbent and come in amazing colors and prints. Seriously they are my favorite diaper ever. Super absorbent, amazing colors. The snap placement gets a great fit, buy at least one or two to try.

Bum Genius 4.0, Freetime, or Elemental  I get them from their "seconds sales" for below list price, all 3 require a thin hemp doubler for my heavy wetting kiddo). They are a great long lasting diaper. Available at BuyBuyBaby stores or from

Alva Baby Bamboo Pocket Diapers 9 bucks a piece and a great diaper.

Kawaii Premium Bamboo Pockets similar to alva bamboo in price and absorbency these run HUGE though.

Alternatively you can use a "All in two" system with snap in inserts that go on as easily as a disposable but let you have the option to re-use covers and buy additional inserts. We had good luck with the Best Bottoms system but also have heard great things about the Soft Bums system as well.

Overnight (3-4 changes):

For overnights I use doubled up bamboo prefolds but for a easier overnight option I recommend a fitted with cover. I would want to own 4 for them so you can wash every 2-3 days and always have one still clean on wash day. I recommend using a Blueberry or Thirsties cover over a Pooters, Twinkle Toes, Bel Canto or other brand fitted.

Everyone is going to have different favorites but for me these have been what I have found to work well for our needs. If you want any tips on getting started feel free to contact me. My stash below is pretty similar (mind you mine is bigger because of my sons digestive issues that cause him to use more diapers than the average kiddo).

Below is a picture of diapers I had when I was cloth diapering two kiddos. The picture is just to give you a visual example of more brands (you don't need this many diapers for 1 kiddo).

A visual example of a few cloth diaper brands (5/13) :

Inserts and Prefolds
6 Oh so cozy premium prefolds
6 Cloth Eeze Large prefolds 
5 Best Bottom Inserts (plus 3 overnight doublers)

Pockets (left to right):
 3 Sunbaby Size 2
2 JC trade (top two)
1 QQ Baby (whale print)
3 Alva Baby
2 Happy Flute (top two velcro)
1 Bum Genius 4.0 (yellow velcro)

2 Homemade Fitted Diapers (overnight diapers)

Bottom Row: Covers Left to Right
2 Best Bottoms- Kiwie Lime, Moolicious
2 Blueberry- Monsters in a Coverall and Capri Elephants
2 Diaper Safari- Steel and Cardinal
2 Flips- Albert and Mirror

Sunday, January 12, 2014


We really went all out this year putting up Christmas decorations. It was so happy and fun to have them up for so long (we put them up pre-Thanksgiving, yep we are those people). The picture of the gingerbread houses and Santa pictures are from an amazing Christmas festival that benefits the local Children's hospital. We love going and supporting a good cause. We feel like this year has been incredibly blessing in regards to amazing Dr's from said hospital. The boys as you can see were less than thrilled with Santa but thankfully were not terrified. 



G's family does an amazing Christmas dinner and so on year's where the kids are with in laws we celebrate on a Saturday earlier in December. We spent a great day looking at old pictures and home movies before goourging ourselves on the amazing food that G's mom makes. Seriously though those potatoes were gorgeous and tasted even better than they looked. The boys got a kitchen from Santa and it was a hit. It has been so much fun seeing them play with it. 

After celebrating an early Christmas with G's family we headed to my parent's house for Christmas and my sister's wedding. Combining such festive occasions was a little crazy but it was great to get to see my Aunts (who live in CA) and family friends (at the wedding). 

This picture almost pains me. You can tell that we were less than photogenic that morning. So we just went to what we know and started tickling the kiddos. 

 When all was said and done we were pretty tuckered out. Hoden is a kiddo who runs until he drops and drop he did. 

Hoden's Big Boy Hair Cut

We had trimmed the first initial mullet back in July but it had slowly grown back. Really really slowly. G. bravely manned the scissors and I was in charge of distraction. It was super quick and easy and he looks so handsome and so sticky gross from the lollipop I gave him.