
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Denver Part 3 - Swimming


While at my parents house I think we went swimming every single day. The best of these days we don't have pictures of because we were spending so much time swimming around a desserted lap pool having the times of our lives. Just like my parents would always joke, "why pay to go somewhere fancy when all our kids care about it if there is somewhere to swim." It still holds true for my kiddos. 

Denver Part 2- Park Pictures

Years ago we took pictures at this abandoned farm house with me, Mr. B and my Dad. Now years later its been reclaimed into a nature park. We had a great time taking photos, going fishing and had a short nature walk. The place is only 5 minutes from my parents house so we will definitely be back.

Denver Trip Part 1

We headed to my parents house last week while G. was on a business trip, he drove us there and then flew to Phoenix for his trip. These are the pictures from while he was gone. He met up back with us that Friday. We had so much fun just hanging out at home and getting to meet up with my brother J. for ice cream at a unique ice cream place called Little Man ice cream. We had a blast. 

Zoo Day

We had the amazing opportunity to head to the Zoo with my friend and her neighbor/friend. It was tons of fun albeit with tons of toddler/preschooler melt downs.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July

We headed up to G.'s Grandma's house for her city's 4th of July parade. Its super cute and the kids get tons of candy. After the parade we barbecued and hung out in the shade. 

We then headed to G.'s brother's house for some fire works and relaxing. By the time it got dark L. couldn't even stay awake. It was a perfect holiday. Family, food and fun :)