
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cloth Diaper 101 Video Series

The amazing blogger (mom and new cloth diaper buddy) Rachel Meyers of Positively Mommy filmed my first ever cloth diaper 101 class. The whole series is about two hours long so you will probably want to break it up lest I talk your ear off virtually.  I am happy to answer any questions you have just comment on this post. Start with the first video (above) it is a basic overview of the types of cloth diapers. Happy cloth diapering!

Cloth Diaper 101 Class: Part 2 Accessories You Will Need

How to Wash Cloth Diapers (using mainstream detergent)

Cloth Diapering Overnight: Cheaper and easier than you think

How to Cloth Diaper Twins + a basic overview of flats

How to Cloth Diaper a Newborn: Easily and Inexpensively
+ Q &A Session

You have my undying respect if you made it through. I hope you learned a lot about cloth diapering and feel prepared to start your journey. Remember don't get overwhelmed start off small and try new things overtime. Cloth diapering does not need to be a all or nothing thing. Even using 3 cloth diapers a day will still save you money and help the environment. Likewise you don't need all the accessories of the bat either, keep your disposable wipes and diapers around until you feel comfortable. Pretty soon you will be a cloth diaper pro and be ready to share the fluffy love.