
About Us

I am the wonderful wife to my handsome husband G. and the doting mother to my son the adorable Mr. B.  I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2009 with a degree in History and a minor in Business Management. Hopefully someday I can find a job that seamlessly blends those two things (we shall see). In the meantime I am thoroughly enjoying being the stay at home to Mr. B. Our days are full of adventures that often include trips to the park, pool, grocery store, friend's houses, and the laundromat, exciting right? We think so. We also thoroughly enjoy going on walks and jogs, or simply spending time reading picture books, playing with puzzles and blocks. When nap time rolls around I enjoy sewing (I learning slowly but surely), learning to cook (okay so I do not enjoy this but I hope to someday), reading books (for pleasure as well as for self improvement and knowledge), and watching a bit too much HGTV. I am passionate about many subjects such as parenting, baby-wearing (see the separate page on that), breastfeeding (although I am not anti-formula by any means), history, sociology etc. I cannot begin to describe how blessed I feel.

Is the loving dad of Mr. B and adores his super cute wife C. He is proof that computer nerds are not anti-social, neck bearded, cubicle dwellers who have no interest in anything else other than Star Wars and their super cool smart phones. However, he does love Star Wars and he is mildly obsessed with smart phones (don't worry we still love him). Also, in contrast to nerd stereotype he is a huge BYU fan, (I am too), especially football. He also loves riding his motorcycle every chance he gets, which probably makes him one of the few people who actually enjoy commuting to their jobs. Speaking of jobs, G. is a Systems Administrator for BYU. Despite his best efforts to explain his job to me I understand very little more than the fact that he works and brings home money :). He absolutely loves his job, a fact that makes both of us incredibly happy.

Mr. B.
Just turned 1 in July of 2011, you should check out the pictures of his birthday photo shoot they will melt your heart. He is an opinionated boy, he knows what he wants and insists that he gets to play with grown up things such as the computer, phones and other technology (he takes after his dad's obsession for smart phones).  He currently enjoys toddling, babbling/talking, playing with toys and emptying the kitchen cupboards. He is quite skilled at eating, sleeping, crawling, and blowing epic spit bubbles. He is incredibly loved, not only by us (his parent's) but also by his large extended family of grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles who all cannot get enough of his cuteness.  Unlike our nicknames that only exist to the blogging world. Mr. B.'s nickname was coined shortly after his birth. It had to do with my love of the movie Pride and Prejudice and how at the end Jane refers to her husband as Mr. Darcy. But instead of a little Mr. Darcy we had a Mr. B. and the name stuck. We won't be shocked if he starts referring to himself as such.

Born in September of 2012, his nickname was given to him by his big brother. It has stuck and is often shortened to Hodie :) He responds to it better than his real name actually to the point its almost embarrassing. Hodie had a pretty rough spot having been born without his bowels connected to his intestines, his condition is called a sigmoid atresia. He was in the NICU for 3 weeks and ended up getting a colostomy and having a colostomy revision done as well. At just under 6 months he had his reversal and a pull through. We feel so blessed that he has been so healthy and so happy. He is growing so fast and learning so much.