
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Summer Slings

Summer is right around the corner, if you are like me and love to take your kiddos to the pool, waterpark or beach you will want to have a carrier that can go in the water. This year I have white mesh (mesh is ordered in such large batches that I only buy one color at a time) that can be made into ring slings or "Moby Wraps" for the pool. The ring slings are great for small babies and quick carries but for wearing your baby for long periods you will want a wrap for better support.

Neither of these pictures are mine:

This is the Taylor Made Water Sling, if you order a sling it will look like this (you can add pretty ribbon though :)

The Water wraps are commonly sold on Etsy this is an example made by

Water Ring Slings: 
Start at $25 and you can can ribbon on the shoulder or hem for an additional $5 each (although I do not personally care for ribbon at the hem comfort wise on a pool sling).

Water Wraps:
You tie and use them just like a "Moby Wrap" they are $20 if made by me, $30 elsewhere

Shoot me an email if you are interested