
Monday, June 11, 2012

Kicking It Old School: Cleaning With Oldies But Goodies

After getting fed up cleaning my hard water stains off my shower door and fixtures I hit up pinterest for some tried and true tips. I stumbled upon several "pins" that suggest the same cleaners I had been using with only some of the cleaners really doing the job.

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Works just fine, no problems there
Magic Erasers: Great on some aspects of bathroom and home cleaning (like removing crayon), but was not making a dent on the hard water deposits.
Kaboom: Great for cleaning hard water off the fixtures, but it take 3-4 applications, so okay but not stellar.
Windex: It works just fine, but I am all ears for something better.

Cleaning Old School


Basically you can clean hard water with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar and lemons :)


Vinegar and Baking Soda strike again :)

What are your favorite cleaning tips?

Cloth Diapering: Overnight Diapers and Prefold Inserts

A few months ago I wrote a post on the types of diapers I was using, well being my love to shop, deal loving self I have taken advantage of some sale and have now find diapers that work for us. For my descriptions of each type of diaper and how they work you can visit this previous post. Anything else we had we have sold to other cloth diapering mommas.

Cloth Diapers I own as pictured above

   Top Left to Right:

 Bottom Left to Right:

Homemade "Flip" Diaper Inserts from Prefolds:

One thing I have done that is kind of unique is jimmy rigged my own "Flip" inserts from prefolds. The traditional prefold as pictured below can be wrapped around a baby and pinned or "snappied" or you can trifold them and lay them inside a cover, my uber lazy self decided that I would sew the two long edged together, turn them right side out and voila, a tube like insert that is super easy to lay in a cover :) (in the bottom right picture I have "stuffed" it with a newborn hemp doubler for my super pee-er.

Then all you have to do is lay the "Flip" insert into the flaps of the Flip or Bumkins cover and you are ready to go. I snap up the diaper just because its nice to have one all ready to go.

What We Use Overnight

Before we started cloth diapering we went through many nights off peed out diapers and and expensive boxes of special "overnight" disposables. Now we may not have the trimmest diaper option for night time but  we have enjoyed the fact that our adorable son has only peed out of his overnight diaper 3 times since February. We use our Best Bottom Covers stuffed with a Fleece topped Microfiber insert called a Stay Dry Insert (this means his skin stays dry to the touch overnight, which helps prevent diaper rash), then we snap a Overnight Doubler underneath it. The Overnight Doubler is the the thickness and absorbent level of one typical Microfiber diaper insert so when you add that all up our son really does have 3 DIAPER INSERTS THICK :) He looks like he has a 2 by 4 between his legs, but it does not bother him and he rocks the "fluffy butt look."


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Adventures in Parent Raising

I admit I should have known better. I should have realized that anything a toddler can reach a toddler can destroy. They can do so in seconds. The following mess occurred while I was blow drying my hair, STANDING NEXT TO THE KID:) well I should have looked down to notice that my favorite eye shadow (well favorite since I remembered I still had it from college, as it is the expensive mineral kind that does not go bad) was now all over my adorable son.

He was pretty upset about it, a) it was an expensive eye shadow (and the second one he had done this too, you would think I would have learned), b) I had just cleaned the bathroom not even 20 minutes prior, sigh, such is being a parent. So I did the responsible thing and took pictures so at very least I could savor the disaster :)

On the bright side other messes of his are much cuter, and far less destructive.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kites and Bellies

On thursday G. sent a text saying he was leaving to come home from work, then about 25 minutes later sent another text saying he would be another 15 minutes. Then he arrived at home, smiled when he saw us and asked "where are your shoes?" I put shoes on myself and Mr. B while G. changed out of his motorcycle gear, and then inquired as to "where we were going?" The answer included, "do you want to walk or drive?" In that stores and restaurants are a little far to walk to, that solidified that we were bound for the neighborhood park, to fly a kite :) A perfect activity to offset the absolutely insane hours G. had worked thus far. (50 + hours by Thursday, having started late memorial day afternoon and all Monday night)

My mom's father and her are all about kites, if the weather was suitable for it we would be outside trying to some awesome kites airborne. It had sadly been years and years since this had occurred, so G. bringing home a kite to fly was an extra special treat. Initially Mr. B was uninterested in the kite flying and made a b-line for the playground and left G. and I to fly the kite, while making sure he (Mr. B) did not get any farther away from us than he already was.

Pretty soon he saw what fun he was missing out on and came over to take a look. He soon joined his Daddy in the finer art of kite flying on a lazy summer evening.

In other news I am still enjoying being pregnant with another little boy, even though he is a ninja just like his brother and enjoys attacking my insides to the point that my poor belly contracts in protest. 24 weeks down and a few more months to go.