
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Remember When: NICU 1 year later

 I still continually find myself saying how thankful I am for the 32 hours we had with our sweet baby Hoden before he was whisked off to the NICU. Those hours were so peaceful and incredible blessing to us. I know that that time we had with him made the weeks thereafter more bearable. I can't imagine the wreck I would have been if they had taken him away without me getting to hold him, nurse him and just plain get to know him. I consider those hours the biggest miracle of all, my Heavenly Father answering the prayer in my heart. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Hoden!!!

The day you were born was a perfect day. We snuggled and cuddled you. Admired your perfect ten fingers and ten toes. Stroked your adorable double chin and perfect pot belly. You were the perfect image of health., you nursed like a champ and slept well. We paitently waited for your first black tar poop. That day we were full of hope for your future, we knew that you would accomplish great things.

 We had no idea that just 36 hours after you were born you would have Dr's incredibly concerned. Or that just the day after you were born you would be taken from our loving arms and ambulanced to a bigger and more advanced hospital. We didn't know that our precious perfect baby would need multiple surgeries to correct his birth defect. 

On that day he was just our perfect sweet healthy baby boy. Which is exactly what he is today. 

At his appointment this morning he was 22 lbs (60th percentile), 29"" tall (45th percentile) with a huge noggin.

One Year Ago Today

Pardon the awesome 9 months pregnant shot. I know I look like a giant bumble bee :) but oh well still pretty cute at least. I have no idea why I was all dolled up but maybe it was just because I needed to feel cute after a long day of furiously nesting making sure everything was all ready to go.  I probably soaked mopped floors, organized closets, cleaned bathrooms or who know maybe I just took a good long nap.

What I do remember is that that night we went to Texas Roadhouse and that I stuffed myself full of delicious steak. We were a happy little family of 3.5. We enjoyed each other's company and tried to forget about how nervous we were about becoming a family of four. We were also incredibly excited! We knew that Mr. B was going to love his new baby brother, G. was excited to have another awesome son and I couldn't wait to have itty bitty newborn to cuddle and carry. Life was perfect that day. What a blessing it was to have such a perfect day to help us through the harder days that would follow. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Part 2- At the Zoo

After a record breaking HOT July and August, September brought a much needed overcast day. It felt amazing to be outside without sweating to death. What made it even better was the awesome people we got to spend the day with. G's cousins came into town for a visit and we all went to the Zoo together. It was a blast even if the kids got tired fast and got a bit cranky (okay that was just my kid, see the picture bottom leftish). Anyhow . . . such a great day. Fabulous food, family and fun :) just how we roll. 

Birthdays and Labor Days

This weekend was so much fun. It started with us going boating and we sadly did not bring the memory card on the camera. Face palm. . . Anyhow, Saturday it was my birthday (this picture is from celebrating the week before though) and we packed up to go camping. It poured BUCKETS it was insane. So ten minutres after getting there we headed back down the mountain. We ended up speding the night with one of the families we had inteded to camp with. The next day turned out to be even more rainy up there so we spent the morning hangning out outside then headed on back home. 

So yep I am 26 years old :( I really am pathetically sad to not be 25 anymore. I have been blessed beyond belief. They have been wonderful amazing years. But I know that the best are yet to come.