Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting Ready: Baby #2 prep

Our big news of the week is that Mr. B turned 2. We had a great time celebrating pioneer day and his birthday in one big awesome day of parades, bbqs and fireworks. 

In other news (and less exciting news) we have been actively getting ready for our second kiddo (another little boy due to make an appearance between now and mid September). 

Although in all reality all we really need for baby number two is some clothes (check), some diapers (check) and a carseat (check). There are some things that make having a second baby go much smoother. Some of those things we already had and some of them we have been on the hunt for.

The first is a glider, and we have been on the hunt since before Mr. B's debut and our search was futile yielding only gliders too expensive or not comfy (thus defeating the purpose). Thanks to the handy dandy local Costco this has finally been remedied and man is it awesome. I am so ready to cuddle a sweet newborn in it. Although it was not a requirement it matches out nursery furniture and our couch. Not too shabby.

The next thing I really wanted was somewhere to store the baby's clothes while it lives in our bedroom (and then it can become the designated baby dresser). We finally decided on this one from Amazon and will most likely order it soon with our handy amazon registry discount :)

Another thing I wanted was a lightish weight double stroller. This has been ridiculously easier said than done.  I do technically already have a babytrend double jogger that I use for daycare kids and trips to the neighborhood park that sucker can barely fit through a doorway to save its life. Alas I have been on the hunt for something not budget busting, that fits in a trunk, I can actually lift without getting a hernia, and that Mr. B enjoys riding in. I struggled because with babywearing so much I did not want to spend the money on, nor did I need a full on tandem baby stroller (that I feel drive like tanks). After countless hours online and two hours dinking around two different baby stores with my infant carseat and cranky toddler in tow. I found it and I could not be happier. Mr. B can ride up front with the careseat in back (some put the baby upfront which I hate) and then when he is older he can ride in a jump seat in the back. 

One thing I will use a ton is my Beco Buttefly, I know I have raved about it a bajillion times but seriously the thing has been worth every penny I spent on it. It is just soooo nice to have a carrier that does not kill your shoulders. 

I am also dying to bust out my Sleepy Wrap (now called a Boba Wrap), I am so ready to cuddle a little one in it. 

Anyhow we are all pretty excited for our next little munchkin :)