Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Fun

This week Baby L. has really started smiling and cooing, it is soooo adorable. We adore him. Mr. B is also becoming quite the fan and now asks to "hold baby Hoden" as he calls him. Too bad he still wont smile when I go to take a picture. Note, their awesome matching Carter's jammies, they even have polar bears on the feet. 

 This weekend we had friends over and so I was making a large batch of baked potato soup. Too bad when I went to mix the cream in with my blender (I don't have an immersion blender) the bottom of the blender fell off and soup went everywhere. After staring dumb founded for a minute, I got out the camera, took the picture then took to calling for pizza as there was no longer enough soup or ingredients left to feed the crowd. Time for a new blender :)

 With us leaving out of town for Christmas we decided to get a headstart and set up our tree. We are in love with in and spent the better part of this Sunday morning laying on the couch staring at it in awe. 

And our token Sunday picture of Mr. B, not his best smile but we think he is pretty cute.